Many of us have heard about Vertu mobile technology as the most exclusive and expensive. Price of Vertu phones are high not only because of the use of unique materials in the design of the housing or glass of your phone and because every phone of this company is handmade by only one person. But in the 21st century, and without computerization already do not do any large enterprise. So, even Vertu, where the whole production cycle is carried out manually, including electronic components, the company uses computer technology to check and monitor product quality at every stage of work. For example, in the Assembly unit screens for their phones Vertu, every four hours computerized upgrade of air in a room, in order to avoid the appearance indoors the slightest dust that may accidentally fall under the smartphone screen.

Also, thanks to the new technologies made possible the cutting of the sapphire plate which is obtained for several screens. Accuracy, literacy of all stages of production at the company Vertu, reminiscent of Lego, where so simple and easy to assemble phones a luxury. On a clear pattern of high quality materials that are placed in special trays the wizard without errors and crashes assemble your masterpiece.

Its new capabilities of modern technology with confidence included in such conservative companies like Vertu and their products are getting better and better from this kind of cooperation.