Absolutely all phones with extended use require routine maintenance. A few months after purchase, even with proper care, telephone is polluted. To extend the life of the smartphone should at least once a year carry out preventive cleaning.

Hit the street dust, animal hair and lint from clothing worn internal parts, which leads to poor performance of your mobile device. During the year, to prevent a slow phone operation, as well as removing debris or dust from the smartphone, you need to seek help from professionals. Otherwise price for repair of Vertu phones will cost much more than the annual diagnosis.

Over the conduct of qualitative prevention phone, you must contact the service center Vertu will produce the following work:

- complete phone disassembly;

- cleaning the Cabinet air under pressure;

cleansing using special solutions;

- cleaning of the screen, internal components and external connectors from dust, debris and impurities may cause corrosion;

grease the parts that are in contact and move together;

- check the battery health, and all loops.

If You are the owner of an exclusive Vertu phone and really value them, then prevention of all parts can significantly extend the operational period everyday accessory. Based on the extensive experience of specialists and special equipment in the service centers, you can be confident in the quality of all works with the phone and its further operability.